Wednesday, September 01, 2004

RNC @ MSG: Rod Paige

The speech of Education Secretary Rod Page wasn’t particularly memorable, but he did have one good line:

In my youth I attended segregated schools. I was in college when the Supreme Court announced Brown versus Board of Education. I felt iberated that day. I thought true equality would soon follow. It did not.

While Brown opened the schoolhouse door to all, it did not guarantee quality education for all.

President Bush saw this two-tiered system as unacceptable! He proposed a plan: high standards, measurable goals, real consequences, and resources to get the job done.

That parallel will drive the NAACP a little further up their wailing wall.

Page also got in how Bush has boosted education spending through the roof. Which is not, of course, the same thing as saying that he’s improved education, and will never hoist the GOP to a dominant position on the issue, but what the hell, it set the record straight, at least.