Tuesday, September 07, 2004


Getting back to the apparently inexorable Democrat descent into self-annihilation, I spent some additional time trying to conceive of any actual, possible rational thinking behind this left-wing drive toward smearing Bush and Cheney as drunks and adulterers and murderers and cocaine addicts. And by rational thinking I mean something that would actually help John Kerry’s dwindling election prospects. And I have come up with something. Isn’t much, but it is something.

It stands to reason that Big Media, which hates Bush with equal zealots’ fervor, will cooperate with this ratcheting up of the “fear and smear” gambit. Indeed, it came out today that NBC’s Today Show is going to feature noted slime merchant Kitty Kelly and the latest Bushophobic book that, rumor has it, even goes after First Lady Laura Bush as a reefer queen. And it’s a pretty safe assumption that at every campaign stop, “reporters” are going to be barraging the President and Vice President with hostile questions that treat all the smears as true and demanding to know when Bush and Cheney are going to “level with the American people.”

(Except for Newsweek, I guess, on the alleged cocaine binges at Camp David. That’ll remain the exception that proves the rule until BM demonstrates otherwise.)

It’s all quite mad, the hallmark of a party that knows it’s going down and is dropping even its flimsy pretense of sticking to the “issues” on which they evidently can’t win.

But what sane purpose could any of this have? Only thing I can come up with is to try and knock Bush off-message and then never let him return to it. To, quite literally, shout down the President of the United States and the Republican Party so shrilly and so deafeningly that some point of critical mass will be reached and the American people will finally turn solidly against him and elect John Kerry instead.

That the American people were supposed to have already turned against Bush months ago won’t matter. That all of these retread charges are beyond old news won’t matter. That they’re all discredited lies won’t matter. That libs now appear to have genuinely convinced themselves that the past year and half’s unprecedented campaign of personal evisceration and character assassination against George W. Bush was “too nice” and not “mean and nasty” enough when that itself was the reaction to the very same erroneous conclusion drawn after their 2002 mid-term defeat won’t matter. That the whole bunch of them has become a lunatic mob of rabid, wild-eyed extremists won’t matter.

Democrats have just about reached the point of becoming a totalitarian party in a country that is still a democracy. They are outraged that (1) opposition to them is legal and (2) that opposition is allowed to criticize them and their policy nostrums. And in the absence of a ban, no tactic short of physical violence is to be spared to utterly and totally destroy them.

Physical violence will come after Bush is re-elected. Mark my words on that.

My, but Zell Miller looks all the more a prophet, doesn’t he?