Monday, November 15, 2004

Condi Gets State

I've already begun to notice a post-election pattern: almost as soon as a member of President Bush's first-term Cabinet announces his/her departure, the White House announces his/her replacement.

First it was Attorney-General John Ashcroft, quickly succeeded by White House counsel Alberto Gonzales. Today came Secretary of State Colin Powell, and the White House has already designated Condoleezza Rice as his successor. I would expect the same to be the case for Spence Abraham at Energy and Ann Veneman at Agriculture.

The accompanying pattern is close, trusted advisers being replaced by...close, trusted advisers. Just as with Gonzales, the tapping of Dr. Rice means continuity in a key Administration post.

I'm still in love with the Zell Miller suggestion, but we could do a lot worse than Condi. Want proof? Just look at the initial Big Media reaction.

UPDATE: Newsmax has more negative reinforcement:

Best possible sign of Condoleezza Rice's excellent qualifications to be secretary of state: The notoriously anti-American bureaucrats who infest Foggy Bottom despise her.

"State Department officials dislike her intensely because they love Powell and believe her staff demeaned the State Department," the Washington Post today quoted one former pencil pusher at State as saying.

The Post claimed, "Officials on both sides of the Administration's debate over North Korea faulted Rice for failing to fashion a coherent approach to dismantling North Korea's nuclear program." The pro-Democrat paper failed to mention that it was Bill Clinton and his horrible secretary of state Aunt Madeleine who abetted North Korea's nuclear weapons program with U.S. taxpayer dollars.

In another anti-Rice story, the Post even solicited comment from Clinton's disgraced former national security adviser, Sandy "Sox Docs" Berger.

Berger lectured that there would be "teeth-gnashing" by many foreign officials over Colin Powell's departure and Rice's arrival. "Colin was the side door they could get into when they could not get through the front door," the disgraced Clintonista said.

The Post, naturally, continued the media establishment's wall of silence about Berger's theft of documents from the National Archives by refusing even to mention his scandal.

Here's hoping that Rice, with help from State's patriotic loyalists such as undersecretary John Bolton, can finally clean up the department.

More proof of Rice's backbone: The weaselly French don't like her either.

According to the Associated Press, the axis of weasel is in a dither over something "Rice was widely quoted as telling associates" in the spring of 2003: "Punish France, ignore Germany, and forgive Russia."

Even though France has just begun to smell the rotten fruits of its policies punishing Israel and favoring Muslim terrorists, the left-wing daily Liberation complained about Rice's "very hard and firm tone with which she speaks of the Palestinians."

As a former boss of mine was want to say, "Gotta like that!"

Looks like we're gonna get a "leaf-blower" at Foggy Bottom after all.