Thursday, April 07, 2005

Mr. Peanut Gets the Shafting He Deserves

Self-righteous narcissistic gloryhounds like Jimmy Carter just love media-drenched spectacles like papal funerals. Small wonder, then, that America's worst president "volunteered" to lead the U.S. delegation to the funeral of Pope John Paul II.

According to White House sources, Carter's representatives, apparently from the former president's Carter Center, reached out to the White House over the weekend and offered to lead the U.S. delegation "should the President or other senior Bush Administration officials not be able to attend."

"There was no misunderstanding. It wasn't Carter who made the actual call, but the message was pure Carter gumption," says a White House source.

"Gumption" being a politic euphemism for "unmitigated gall."

God, what a conceited ass. "Should the President or other senior Administration officials not be able to attend" - as though anybody, much less the straightlaced, buttoned-down Bushies, would blow off the funeral of one of the greatest, most influential popes in history and a towering figure in the peaceful defeat of the Soviet Union. If the Carteroids were capable of candor, they'd have been browbeating Dubya to go dig postholes in Crawford so that America could be "properly" represented at the Vatican. If what has to be the only eighty-one year old man in the world so bereft of dignity as to prefer the diminuitive of his given name wasn't an eighty-one year old man, he'd have been trying to elbow the President and his party out of the way in a mad effort to claw his way aboard Air Force One.

Carter went public on Tuesday with his dissatisfaction at not being invited, after the White House announced that the official delegation would be made up of the current and two prior sitting Presidents [Bush41 and Clinton], and Secretary of State Rice [plus First Lady Laura Bush].

Well, gee, why would President Bush personally decide to exclude his ignominious, insufferable, terminally buttinsky predecessor, especially while inviting along an utter apostate like Sick Willie?

"The other thing that people forget is that Carter has treated President Bush very badly. He has openly criticized the President in a manner that President Clinton has not," says a Bush Administration source. "He has traveled around the world bad-mouthing this president and this country's policies. I would be surprised if a single person gave a thought to including him in the delegation."

What's the old saying? "What goes around, comes around."

I'm actually a bit surprised that Dubya administered this does of payback. It wouldn't seem to fit in his doggedly adhered-to "new tone" paradigm. Hopefully it's a harbinger of things to come.

In the meantime, America's self-appointed goober plenopotentiary has his Nobel Peace Prize - garnered as a direct reward for his Bushophobia, let it not be forgotten - to provide him solace. And, of course, his irrepressable arrogance:

Upon learning that the Vatican was limiting the U.S. delegation to five people and that "there were also others who were eager to attend," Carter was "quite willing" to withdraw his request, Moore said.

Big of him, isn't it?

Don't be surprised, though, if he doesn't figure out a way to get there first - maybe by hopping the SR-71 Bush41 used to cut the hostage release deal with the Iranians twenty-five years ago - and be sitting in the first row, as a "citizen of the world."

After all, he'll probably want to take notes for revisions to his own planned state funeral. Can't let that morally-inferior Polack upstage him, you know.