Friday, April 29, 2005

The New Persecution

I've been writing about the bigotry of the Left against biblical Christianity - "Christophobia," as I've coined the term - for the thirteen years I've been online. I've seen this hatred firsthand, and often. It is as noisome and virulent as any prejudice there has ever been, including Nazi anti-Semitism, the early stages of which contemporary Christophobia in America is disquietingly beginning to resemble.

Stanley Kurtz writes extensively on this topic on NRO today, and succeeds in taking everything I've written since 1992 and distilling it down to a single column. There's no way to adequately excerpt it - every word is powerful and prescient.

Please, do read the whole thing and take it to heart and act upon it, while it's still possible to do so.

UPDATE/BUMP TO 4/29: Captain Ed picks up on the same thread today, in connection with Senator Ken Salazar's vicious slander of Focus on the Family founder James Dobson.

The peroration:

Salazar's rant blows the cover off of the attacks on Bush, Dobson, and anyone who professes their faith as an important component of their lives. Judicial nominees like William Pryor and Janice Rogers Brown (who won 76% of Californian votes in her last election to the State Supreme Court) have been called "extremists" and "Neanderthals" for their "deeply held personal beliefs", as Chuck Schumer put it, which has become code for "Catholicism" and opposition to abortion. Instead of honestly debating the real issues, the Democrats have chosen to smear people of faith in the hope of driving them underground, to steal their voices and to scare them away from the public square. They want the overwhelming majority of Americans who profess faith in God to shut the Hell up, and leave government to the atheists.

No thank you. We are all Americans, and our government should reflect the values held by the mainstream, not just the faithless.

"And the four living creatures kept saying, 'Amen,' and the elders fell down and worshiped...."