Saturday, July 30, 2005

Crazy Nancy Rides Again

The useful thing about Democrats these days is that they never seem to tire of providing examples of why they should never again ever be entrusted with the reins of national power - or until the sun blows up, whichever comes first.

With the narrow (217-215) House passage of the Central American Free Trade Agreement the other night, the House Minority Leader was driven into blithering frustration, and rather than her handlers shooting her with a tranquilizer dart, they let her get to a microphone and spew forth this:

Q Can you elaborate, Madame Leader, on some of the offers that were made to Democrats that you know about?


What she and her questioner were referring to is her insinuation that majority Republicans tried to bribe Democrats into switching sides and voting for CAFTA. Because, of course, that's what she and her Democrats would do in their position, but course, THAT would be perfectly okay. Just not when Republicans do it, even if they don't, but which she's just positive that they did.

Understand? Gosh, I hope so, as any further effort to try and explain this BS is gonna give me a headache.

Q In which case - it's a pretty serious charge, that you're saying some of them didn't pass legal muster to you.


If you're keeping score at home, she's saying that the bribes she admits she can't prove took place are definitely bribes.

Now try following this next exchange, and see if you can do so without blowing chunks.

Q You're saying that - that Republicans were trying to bribe Democrats?

PELOSI: I didn't use the word bribe.

Q Well, you said it wasn't legal.

PELOSI: I said that offers were made that were, in my view, questionable. And I know that they would be at a cost to the taxpayers. And I say that without any hesitation.

Q But that's a very serious charge.

PELOSI: It is.

Q Could you just - could you just give us the specifics of what you've heard?

PELOSI: No, I'm not going to.

Round and round and round we go, where this stops {OOLP} - uh, I gotta go....

I'm telling you, and -


- why don't you go ask the Republicans or the White House what they were offering people?
Oh, please, no moRAAAAWWWWWWWWCCCHHH....

They would know best; they're the ones who were making the offers.

-WWWCCCHHH Oh, bleep, the bowl is starting to overflAAAAWWWWWWWWCCCHHH....

I think that this has to stop. We have to stop the Republican rip-off of the legislative process on Capitol Hill. It has to stop now...

{Whew} Thanks for the Pepto. I was nearing dry heave territory, and I never have developed a taste for chyme.

Just to catch up, a reporter is actually having the unaccustomed temerity to question a typically wild and slanderous Democrat accusation instead of swallowing it like an Iskandrian harem girl, and she doesn't know how to handle it and is angrily - and in her mind, astonishingly - having to tell the reporter what his job is supposed to be.

Q Madame Leader, I'm sorry to belabor this point, but it is - let me see how to phrase this - is there a difference between horse trading and federal violation regarding offering something of value for somebody's vote?

Translation: Holy cow, she really is crazy....


Q There's got to be a difference, right?

PELOSI: Yeah. There is.

Translation: Okay, we're making progress. Maybe I can talk her in off this ledge....

Q So now you're beyond just the normal give and take of -


Translation: NO!

Q I don't see how you can just lay that out there without giving us the specifics -

PELOSI: Well, I just did. But I just did.

Translation: The blistering hell you did. You're going round and round in circles, and it's starting to make me nauseous.

Q Is that fair, though? Is that the way you would like to be treated?

PELOSI: That's the way we are treated. That's the way we are treated.

Translation: That's the way she'd treat the Republicans if the positions were switched. Good Lord, I can't save this loony old Gloria Swanson reject. I've got to do something to reel her in before she makes a complete and collective, well, ass of our party. Let's cut to the chase.

Q Are you going to pursue any sort of ethics complaint -

PELOSI: I may. I may. I may. Not me, but those who have the information may. But these are the kinds of things that are very hard to prove if the deal is not consummated. That doesn't mean the deal wasn't offered. And it really - because they have a poverty of arguments in favor of CAFTA, they have to resort to these extraordinary means.

Which she can't prove, but is just certain had to have taken place. Because she's a Democrat, and Democrats do not believe that they can lose legitimately. Not elections and not legislative battles. The believe that "democracy" means "Democrats" in charge. Otherwise it would be called "republicracy." And so this latest Republican victory had to be by corrupt, underhanded means, because that's they way Nancy Pelosi would do it, only for her it would be okay, because that would be "democracy in action."

Got all that? I hope so, because I'm going to bed....

[HT: B4B]