Friday, July 01, 2005

Michael Moore Gets A Major Makeover

And has apparently changed his name and gone to work for NBC News as its #1 anchorman:

This time Brian Williams of NBC Nightly News has gone too far. Reporting on the possibility that Iran's President-elect was one of the hostage-takers in 1979, Williams made the comment, "...and indeed, what would it matter? The Founding Fathers were certainly revolutionaries and might have been called 'terrorists' by the British Crown."

It's a reflection of how pervasive lib insanity has become that a historically illiterate slur like this barely rises above the level of media background static.

It fell to Cap'n Morrissey to ask the rhetorical questions:

Did Washington bomb women and children indiscriminately in order to chase the British out of North America? Did John Hancock send teenagers with bomb belts into marketplaces to kill as many people as possible to destabilize colonial society? This comparison insults the intelligence and the memory of those who fought on both sides of the Revolutionary War, which (despite what's commonly thought) mostly saw European-style, set-piece combat between uniformed forces.
Thing is, I'd wager the British crown would have described our Founding Fathers as "terrorists." But then, George III was mentally deranged.

And these days, even coiffed, perfumed Moore-ons like Brian Williams don't sound much more sane.