Saturday, July 23, 2005

Signs Of The Times

Remember how even in the depths of total war a vehicle or building with a red cross on it would be left alone? Behold how far we've come from those innocent, carefree days:

Sacramento's KCRA reported Friday that earlier this month, the U.S. government learned that hospitals across the country could be terror targets. As a result, the California Hospital Association sent a letter to hospitals statewide, warning them of the threat.

In the letter, the California Department of Homeland Security warns that al-Qaida may be planning attacks on hospitals in September or October of this year.

Although the government says the information is uncorroborated, it is urging hospital employees to be vigilant.

The source specifically mentioned the Los Angeles and San Diego areas, but emergency centers nationwide have been warned.

"Hospitals are a key piece of infrastructure," said California Homeland Security spokesman Gary Winuk. "If there is to be an attack somewhere, particularly biological or chemical, they're the first line of defense. So, we're very concerned about them and a number of other sectors." [emphasis added]
That last graf provides the strategic thinking behind this hideous plotting to slaughter the weak, infirm, and defenseless. Where are the wounded taken after a conventional attack? Local hospitals. Where would civilians go to get innoculated against new plague strains, or treated after a biological attack? Local hospitals. In a war where the enemy makes no distinction between military and civilian, where your great Aunt Tootie with the chronic bowel blockage is considered every bit as legitimate a target as a Navy SEAL in Afghanistan, and indeed, where it makes far more tactical AND strategic sense to attack civilian targets in our homeland than try and futilely take on the mightiest, deadliest fighting forces any nation has ever produced, attacking Stateside hospitals is, for them, not only desirable but crucial if fatalities are to be maximized.

Hospitals, schools (like last year's Breslan massacre in Russia), nuclear facilities, airports - anything's fair game for these animals. And in war, one should never grant any quarter the enemy isn't willing to recupricate.

Which is why Ali-Dickbar Al-Durbini and Uncle Teddy and the other terror-symps can go pound sand about Gitmo. Because if one or more of our hospitals (or schools, or nuclear facilities, or airports, or shopping malls, or sporting events, or...) is attacked by suicide bombers, let's just say the slack that time has allowed to creep into public viligance and determination will disappear in the same flash, and lash back against any and all who have loudly and willfully become propaganda tools of those whose dream is an America in flames.