Thursday, October 06, 2005

One More Thing...

Well, I've taken a break from the conservative blogs for a couple of days because I got sick of the moaning and groaning, the total depression and gloom and doom that normally emanates from the Left. Of course, THEY are gleeful at the response from the Right regarding Harriet Miers. If nothing else, our side is certainly making Teddy Kennedy and Daily Kos happy.

I ventured back this morning just to see if there was any reason to hope that perhaps our tantrum was over. I saw this, and agreed wholeheartedly. It's from the Anchoress, via Polipundit:

This woman has not even had the opportunity to appear before the Judiciary committee so that we can all get a sense of her, before she is either confirmed or dumped. One month ago, everyone on the right was saying to the left that the President was entitled to his nominee. Suddenly, this is not true?

The president and this woman - who seems to be a completely honorable woman - deserve at bare minimum the respect due the Office of the President, and the respect due a professional woman who has served that Office well for 5 years. I am frankly amazed to see that so many on the right have forgotten what was supposed to be a basic tenant of conservatism: respectful debate rather than shrill jeering, name-calling and underarm farts…

…The president has named a nominee. She will now have to sink or swim at her own “job interview.” If she is the incompetent boob, “cafeteria lady” some of you vaunt, she will embarrass herself and be rejected. If she is the “pitbull in size 6 shoes” the president characterizes, she will impress enough people to be appointed.

Amen. My main beef through all this is the kneejerk reaction from my conservative brethren. Everybody just KNOWS the President caved, that the same President who nominated John Roberts and was hailed as a genius has all of a sudden "lost it," and now has irreversibly damaged his Presidency and the conservative movement and all is lost and we all might as well retreat to a desert island. Gimme a break.