Monday, October 31, 2005

Pathetic Little Weasels

That would be Harry Reid I'm talking about. Yesterday I saw where he is calling for the resignation of Karl Rove. After two years, Rove hasn't been charged with anything...yet Reid still thinks he should step down. Their disappointment is nearly palpable regarding this whole thing. There's Schumer in the story, too, acting all holier-than-thou and talking about Republicans "doing the right thing." Gimme a break.

The Republicans and the President have conducted themselves with respect for the law and the process, very much UNlike the Democrats acted during Ken Starr's investigation of Bill Clinton. The difference between the two parties could not be more stark, for those of you out there who say there is not much difference any more. We have not attacked Fitzgerald or the investigation itself. We all know what the Democrats did to Ken Starr.

I have a feeling that when Bush announces his judicial pick today, we are going to see a fit from the Left like we've never seen...well, maybe we've seen one from the right with Harriet Miers, but...(that was for you, Jim). [g]

JAS adds: "Pathetic" hits the nail on the head.

The libs have stepped on yet another rake. Or, rather, several at once. They were so sure, so positive, that they finally had Bush where they wanted him:

October was going to be the month that would mark the meltdown of the loathed Bush presidency. Iraq was failing, gas prices were rising, a weak Supreme Court nominee was under assault, and the White House was under siege from a special prosecutor. What more could a Bush-hater want?

So what happened? The Iraqis had their constitutional referendum right on schedule and it was an even bigger success than the January election that first elected their constitution-writing assembly. Gas prices have fallen 10% since their most recent peak. The Bush boom rolls on despite three major hurricanes. Harriet Miers withdrew and now we have a Robertsesque replacement. And the Bush Watergate that the Dems were all set to celebrate fizzled like an untied party balloon.

The Left's frustration was palpable on the Sunday talking head shows yesterday:

The Senate [Minority] leader said Sunday that presidential adviser Karl Rove should resign because of his role in exposing an undercover CIA officer, and a veteran Republican senator said President Bush needs "new blood" in his White House....

Senate [Minority] leader Harry Reid said he is disappointed that Bush and Cheney responded to the indictment by lauding Libby and suggested they should apologize for the leak that revealed the identity of covert CIA officer Valerie Plame.

"First of all, the Vice President issues this very terse statement praising Libby for all the great things he's done," Reid said. "Then we have the President come on camera a few minutes later calling him Scooter and what a great patriot he is. There has not been an apology to the American people for this obvious problem in the White House," Reid, D-NV, told ABC's This Week.

Meanwhile, Senator Chris Dodd, D-CT, said Cheney should "come clean" about his involvement and why he discussed Plame with Libby before Libby spoke to reporters about her.

"What did the Vice President know? What were his intentions?" Dodd asked on Fox News Sunday.

"Now, there's no suggestion the vice president is guilty of any crime here whatsoever. But if our standard is just criminality, then we're never going to get to the bottom of this," Dodd said. [emphasis added]

Man, I am glad I wasn't drinking anything hot when I first read the above quote. I'm still giggling.

This is damage control of the lamest order. Rove wasn't indicted, but dammit he should have been, so he should quit anyway!!!!! He couldn't have "outted" Valerie Wilson because she wasn't "undercover" when she was supposedly "outted," but dammit yes he did, yes he did because we say so and we want it to be true so it is!!!!!, and Bush and Cheney should contradict the conclusions of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and SP Fitzgerald and apologize for it anyway. And, oh by the way, not just stand back and let Scooter Libby be kicked to death, but join in the assault as an act of flaggellant penance.

Dodd, if anything, is even more hilarious. He almost recycles the old Watergate line "What did the President know, and when did he know it?" verbatim, which is a level of subtlety on a par with Super Bowl halftime show wardrobe malfunctions. And that last comment - "...if our standard is just criminality, then we're never going to get to the bottom of this" - almost makes me believe that Alan Funt and Rod Serling are co-hosting this exhibition somewhere.

It wasn't supposed to be this way. The entire White House upper echelon was supposed to be carted off in a paddy wagon. Karl the Great was supposed to be frog-marched in handcuffs, legirons and an orange jumpsuit. Big Time's head was supposed to be mounted on a spike on the White House outer fence. Bush was supposed to be impeached by his own party as its last official act before the entire GOP was herded into cattlecars and shipped off to Hillary's Alaska gulag. That's what the DisLoyal Opposition convinced itself was going to fall into their collective lap like overripe fruit.

So now they feel "cheated." Now they'll be even more pissed. And the cycle will continue anew:

The left will get even more heated in its rhetoric, even more extreme in its attacks, even more willing to distort and demagogue. And this in turn means the Bush Administration needs not just to play effective defense, but to go on the offense -making the case for the war, its necessity, and the prospects for victory; explaining the role of the Bush tax cuts in producing economic growth, and fighting to make those cuts permanent; winning the Alito vote in the Senate and the constitutional debate in the country; and counterattacking against the criminalization of conservatives.

"Bring it on," indeed. We have plenty more rakes where these came from.