Monday, October 24, 2005

What Would We Do Without Howie?

From the "Too Big For His Briches So He Must Be Filling Them Up With SOMETHING" Department comes this latest contribution from the incomparable Dr. Demented:

Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean is urging Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald to bring indictments in the Valerie Plame Leakgate case, saying he won't accept any other result. [emphasis added]

Oh he won't, will he? Do I even need to bother answering the rhetorical question of who the hell he thinks he is?

And if he gets any other result? What then?

The top Democrat said that regardless of whether Fitzgerald brings any indictments, it's clear the White House engaged in a cover-up.

"The evidence is very clear [that] half the stuff the president told us about Iraq - the weapons of mass destruction, the trip to Niger, the purchase of uranium and all that stuff - we know that's not true," Dean said.

Ah - nothing, then. Just the same old recycled lies and discredited spin. As if the Senate Intelligence Committee didn't settle these questions over a year ago. Makes you wonder what color the sky is in Chairman How's world.

On second thought, though....

"What got [Karl] Rove and [Lewis] Libby in trouble is that they were attacking, which the Republicans always do, attacking somebody who criticizes and disagrees with them."

Dean said it is "a fundamental flaw in the Bush Administration - the personal attacks on people for meritorious arguments. They never make the argument - they always make the personal attack." could Dean ever see the sky in any world from a closed and locked rubber room?