Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Budget Season Returns

Long-time readers of this space know what the title means. Hopefully this year will not be accompanied by intractable upper respiratory infection, which would be an even bigger anxiety what with Captain Chirps looming in the near future.

What it will mean, at a minimum, is that there may be significant stretches with little or no blogging activity from yours truly over the next month or so (kinda like yesterday when I ended up working until past 10PM). That is, for example, why "The Vast CIA-Left Wing Conspiracy" that was going to be sequeled "over the weekend" has now stretched a two-day weekend into four with no actual additional time off.

Anyway, pickings probably won't be as slim as last year's holiday season, but still, you (and our other contributors - hint, hint) have been warned.

Oh, and I don't come up again for jury duty eligibility until next year. Given that it took them fifteen years to finally call my number last time, I'm counting on those statistical probabilities to hold again.

Yeah, yeah, I know. But you'll have to wait twelve months to gloat.