Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Hewitt's Mea Culpa On Snarlin' Arlen?

He'd never say so openly, but it's not difficult to read between the lines:

On top of this pratfall comes a general lassitude about getting basic stuff done in the Senate. About a year ago, Arlen Specter wrote in the Wall Street Journal:

I am committed, in word and deed, to prompt action by the Judiciary Committee. Last April, I introduced Senate Resolution 327, a protocol to establish prompt action on all judicial nominees. Specifically, my protocol provides that all nominees will have a Judiciary Committee hearing within 30 days of nomination, a Judiciary Committee vote within 30 days of the hearing, and a floor vote 30 days later.

Tell that to Brett Kavanaugh (nominated originally on July 25, 2003), Terrence Boyle, other long-delayed judicial nominees, or even Judge Alito, left twisting in November's and December's winds. Senator Specter's commitments of a year ago evidently had an expiration date.

At the risk of saying "We told you so," Hugh, WE TOLD YOU SO....