Friday, December 23, 2005

Wrath of the Dhimmis

Michelle Malkin has such a knack for summarizing things that matter, doesn't she?

Allow me to sum up the homeland security strategy of America's do-nothing brigade, led by the armchair generals at the New York Times and ACLU headquarters:

First, bar law enforcement at all levels from taking race, ethnicity, national origin and religion into account when assessing radical Islamic terror threats. (But continue to allow the use of those factors to ensure "diversity" in public-college admissions, contracting, and police- and fire-department hiring.)

Second, institute the "Eenie-meenie-miny-moe" random-search program at all subways, railways and bus stations.

Third, open the borders, sabotage all immigration enforcement efforts and scream "Racist" at any law-abiding American who protests.

Fourth, sue. Sue. Sue.

Fifth, yell "Connect the dots!" while rebuilding and strengthening the walls that prevent information-sharing between the CIA, State Department, Justice Department, the Department of Homeland Security and other key government agencies.

Sixth, hang the white flag and declare victory.

Seventh, sit back and wait to blame the President for failing to take aggressive, preventative measures when the next terrorist attack hits.

She also has a a singular talent for highlighting left-wing hypocrisy. Such as how the Clinton administration illegally used a military satellite to spy on a white separatist compound in Oklahoma after the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing without a peep of protest from the Extreme Media or elected Democrats or the ACLU - the same people that are demanding George Bush's impeachment (like they need a reason to demand it) for his legal use of NSA foreign intelligence wiretaps to guard against further domestic terrorist attacks.

To quote her peroration:

The left believes the government should do whatever it takes to fight terrorists - but only when the terrorists look like Timothy McVeigh. If you're on the MCI Friends and Family plan of Osama bin Laden and Abu Zubaydah, you're home free.

And remember, it is very likely that Saddamite Iraq had connections to the Oklahoma City bombing, a possibility that Bill Clinton's FBI did everything it could to downplay and rule out in that administration's quest to smear its domestic political opponents as "hate-mongers" and "militia extremists". So perhaps Double-M's conclusion should be modified to read, "The Left believes the government should do whatever it takes to fight terrorists - as long as they're not at war with America and can be linked to conservatives and Republicans."