Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Hire The Mentally Handicapped, But Don't Vote For Them

The Democrat Party has one fundamental overarching problem: its members are incapable of reconciling electability and insanity. Following are a couple of examples.

But first, see if you can guess who posted the following:

[The] allegory is drizzly Kos bullshit....

[I]f Markos doesn't like the fact that I use my freedom of speech to make that clear, then Markos can kiss my entire ass. Screw him and anyone who supports him.

Was it....

a) Ace of Spades
b) Fraters Libertas
c) Me
d) All of the above
e) Some of the Above
f) None of the Above
g) Eric Cartman

{Maxwell Smart voice} Would ya believe....Cap'n Ed?

Yeah, I was rather aghast as well, but in a "Go, Ed, go!" kinda way.

So what did the leader of the Kos-hacks say that pushed Mr. Morrissey's disgruntlement over overrated Notre Dame's Fiesta Bowl defeat into such an impressive outburst? You be the judge:

When our nation was founded, we had men of real character and courage fighting for their nascent America, one in which liberty and freedom trumped the authorative tendencies of the monarchy. Patrick Henry gave words to those efforts:

"Give me liberty or give me death!" ...
Those "men of real character and courage" were predominantly evangelical Christians, too. Their faith fueled their character and courage through eight long, difficult, harrowing years that people like Kos would never have had the testicular fortitude to stick out even presuming that he would have signed up for the cause in the beginning. His ilk are far more like Benedict Arnold, who preferred to turn traitor and suck off British high living in occupied New York City than freeze his ass off at Valley Forge. "Summer soldier and sunshine patriot," indeed - and then only if there's something in it for them politically.

These blowhards [That would be us....] pretend they are macho even as they piddle on themselves in abject terror from every "boo!" that comes out of Osama Bin Laden's mouth. They like to speak about how tough they are, even though they send others to fight their battles and couldn't last a day in places like Iraq, or Sudan, or the El Salvador of my youth, or any other war-torn nation....
Incoherence, thy name is Kos. It's difficult to follow, or even find, an unbroken line of reasoning through this mess. Speaking for myself, I've never "pretended to be macho" or "spoken about my toughness"; cripes, I'm a pudgy, middle-aged accountant - drop me in the wrong part of Iraq or any part of Sudan and I probably couldn't last a day. Ditto Morrissey and the Powerline guys and Hugh Hewitt and Michelle Malkin and so on. I guess Kos isn't figuring in the milbloggers, who not only could hold their own in war-torn nations but have. What that has to do with possessing the sense to recognize that we're in a war with Islamic mass murderers who have proved their ability to kill us on a vast scale if we don't keep our guard up and take the war to them is anybody's guess.

But Kos is too enthralled with the meme to be bothered with trying to explain it:

The breathtaking cowardice of the 101st Fighting Keyboardists knows no bounds. They hide behind the American flag and our genuinely brave men and women in uniform. It's bad enough that they wouldn't deign to join the boots in the ground in Iraq. But now they make a mockery of our Constitution, for the very values that motivated our Founding Fathers to put their lives on the line to combat the unchecked powers of the British monarchy.

Ah, the "chickenhawk" gambit. Gee, that's original. I wonder if Kos realizes that if he got his Starship Troopers scenario - the right to vote and participate in government being limited to soldiers and veterans - not only would he and his nutters be disenfranchised, but his party would no longer lose elections 51%-48% or even 60%-40%, but 80%-20%. He'd have what amounts to a military regime, which, last I checked, was not the form of government enshrined by those "men of real character and courage" in the Constitution that, for Kos-hacks, is at best an ideological Rorshach ink blot and, at worst, is kept on an Etch-O-Sketch.

I suppose Kos' "courage" is that of his convictions, even if they amount to little more than prostrating the nation before its enemies as long as his political enemies are beheaded and blown up instead of him. All of which goes to show that while there have been countless dhimmis down through the centuries of Muslim cultures, rarely if ever has there been a class of them so arrogantly proud of it.

Meanwhile, congressional Democrats (of whom Kos fancies himself their Dick Morris) are, as Brother Hinderaker noticed this morning, trying to link Samuel Alito, foreign intelligence surveillance, and women's vaginas:

The Washington Times reports that Congressional Democrats are about to offer a grand unified theory of why the voters should elect them: the Bush Administration "has little regard for the privacy rights of Americans." Democrats are aiming for a trifecta in the new year, beginning with the Alito confirmation hearing, continuing with their last-ditch fight against the Patriot Act, and reaching the "real payoff" with hearings, obligingly chaired by Arlen Specter, on the Administration's foreign intelligence gathering.

Most Americans have little regard for infanticide, and virtually all Americans have little regard for letting jihadis enter our country at will and slaughter us en masse. It isn't reasonable to elevate the nebulous concept of "privacy" to such an extreme. And the Democrats, their September 10th mentality trapped in a post-September 11th world, have to delude themselves to the point of dementia to keep clinging to such follies as if they were viable campaign strategies.

When "Snarlin Arlen's" obliging hearings on foreign intelligence-gathering commence, I hope Rush Limbaugh plays clips of Donk rhetoric side-by-side with the public 9/11 commission hearings from two years ago that wrote Bill Clinton a total pass and tried to hang the blame for 9/11 entirely on George W. Bush for "failing to connect the dots". And I hope committee Republicans draw that same gaping contrast.

Or they could just read Kos' drizzly bullshit. That would be almost as coherent.