Monday, January 16, 2006

Patrick Henry In A Red Dress

Ann Coulter has a great column up regarding the Alito hearings and the Democrats' fecklessness:

With all their hysteria about Valerie Plame, I had nearly forgotten what the Democratic Party stands for. It's good to be reminded that the sole item on the Democrats' agenda is abortion.

According to Dianne Feinstein, Roe v. Wade is critically important because "women all over America have come to depend on it." At its most majestic, this precious right that women "have come to depend on" is the right to have sex with men they don't want to have children with.

That last line is one of the best summaries I've ever seen regarding the abortion issue and its chokehold on the Democratic Party. They are fighting for the right for women to "have sex with men they don't want to have children with." Pretty good description, don't you think?

There's a stirring principle! Leave aside the part of this precious constitutional right that involves (1) not allowing Americans to vote on the matter, and (2) suctioning brains out of half-born babies. The right to have sex with men you don't want to have children with is not exactly "Give me liberty, or give me death."

Indeed, to normal people it is not. To the Democrats, though, whose very existence depends on the money they can raise from their kook fringe, this "right" of women is more important than those quaint old words, "Give me liberty, or give me death."

In the history of the nation, there has never been a political party so ridiculous as today's Democrats. It's as if all the brain-damaged people in America got together and formed a voting bloc.

Another perfect description. Here's some interesting history for you:

The Federalists drafted the greatest political philosophy ever written by man and created the first constitutional republic. The anti-Federalists – or "pre-Democrats, as I call them – were formed to oppose the Constitution, which, to a great extent, remains their position today.

It certainly seems to be their position today. What they can't get at the ballot box "from the people," they'll get in the courts. This is, of course, the source of their hysteria nowadays. They're about to lose their last bastion of power, the judicial system. They certainly aren't going to give THAT up without a fight, no matter how ugly and distorted they have to make that fight.