Friday, January 20, 2006

Saving the Mullahs the Trouble

The State Department sure has brought the Bush White House to heel, hasn't it? Deference to the idiot Euros on what to do about Iran's nuclear weapons program, a policy indistinguishable from what John Kerry would have pursued (other than that he'd have been elbowing the Brits, Frogs, and Krauts out of the way to appease Adolph Ahmedinejad directly), and flying in the face of the Bush Doctrine in Israel:

To his great credit, George W. Bush remainded on the sidelines in the 2001 and 2003 [Israeli] elections [rather than meddling in Israeli internal affairs to push ppeasenik candidates], both won by Ariel Sharon. But now, says Glick, Bush and Secretary of State Rice are prepared to back soft-liner Ehud Olmert. Olmert, who lacks Sharon's track record of fighting terrorism, is committed to transferring more occupied land to the Palestinians, which means that terrorists will have additional territory in which to set up shop unopposed....this policy stands in complete contradiction to Bush's policy for waging the US-led war on international terrorism, which - except in Israel - works to deny bases to terrorists and to undermine regimes that sponsor and support terrorism.

The Pals, as you probably expected, are taking full advantage:

Al Aqsa Brigade, the military elite of the Fatah Party, is responsible for the training and deploying of the 20 year old suicide bomber who just destroyed a sandwich shop in Tel Aviv.

Islamic Jihad claims credit, because the 20 year old, now indicated as Sami Antar, was an IJ recruit from the Balata refugee camp in the West Bank. However the bomber was entirely handled by Al Aqsa, lead by the cadres out of Jenin.

The bombing is said to be the first of waves of bombings directed at testing and weakening new acting Prime Minister Olmert as he demonstrates his Sharonist prowess in the campaign for voting in March....

What this means for the Bush Administration is that Olmert will be boxed in by terror bombs and will struggle mightily to prove that unilateral concessions to murder gangs is effective state policy. The Gaza withdrawal last summer was a failure and is now the crux of the imminent triumph of Hamas in the rogue state of Gaza.

[John Batchelor] routinely speak[s] with the terror gangs. They do not fear Olmert or Bush or the UN; they are cocky and well financed and aggressive; they mean to grab Gaza, then the West Bank, then Egypt after Mubarak, then the whole of the crescent from Damascus to Cairo. Not apocalyptic thinking, rather tactical and scheduled.

Appeasement from Olmert, appeasement from Bush, appeasement from the EU or the UN or anyone who shows up with an acronym, will fail....And you are right this is on the table in Tehran: where do you think Damascus gets the money to feed the gangs?

Appeasers never learn. They just sell out everybody else to be killed until there's nobody else to be gassed (or shot, or suicide bombed, or rocketed, or nuked....). They even get the order backwards....

But Dubya being a party to this travesty? That clinches the intractibility of the diplodelusionists. They are bureaucratically invincible, and will serve us all up on a platter to al Qaeda and the mullahs for enslavement and/or butchering at the latter's leisure. And to the last they will think they're serving the cause of "peace."

But not before the Jews. It is the order of things, after all.