Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Irresistable Force, Immovable Object

Which mega-clout group will win this battle for the ruins of post-Christian Europe?

"One of Britain's top Muslims, the ever-entertaining Sir Iqbal Sacranie, is in trouble for having expressed the wholly orthodox - and even, by his religion's standards, moderate - view that homosexuals are 'not acceptable' and 'immoral' and that 'same-sex relationships damage the very foundations of society.' For having come up with this stuff on the BBC's 'PM' programme, he has been investigated by the police for the thought-crime, or, as the police put it these days, hate-crime, of homophobia.

"...If Sir Iqbal - and adherents of the Muslim faith in general - believe homosexuality to be repugnant, then that is their view, and it is not the business of the government, or the police... to divest them of it. But the Old Bill [=police] are scurrying around to Sir Iqbal's house with a view to prosecuting him for merely articulating one of the fundamental tenets of a religion whose strictures will soon be protected by law. [ i.e. the proposed UK law to criminalize the defamation of Islam] This is, quite literally, madness. The two laws - one proposed and one already on the statute books - are in direct, unequivocal opposition. One day we will surely see the prosecution of a gay person for suggesting that Islam is ludicrous and, by dint of its opposition to homosexuality, illegal. And where will we be then?"
I'll tell you where - with front-row seats for the biggest no-holds-barred, steel-cage, multicultural death match since Vince McMahon killed the wrestling business.

The Brits would be crazy not to put this clash on pay-per-view.