Monday, May 08, 2006

Gore? AGAIN???

[posted by John Sims]

It looks like Al Gore is getting coverage as a potential presidential candidate in two years. Kerry obviously wants to run again, so Democrats may have a battle of losers. It'll be interesting if they (or anybody) can beat Hildabeast in the primaries.

Gore's big publicity act right now is his movie. I guess people think many will believe any movie. Propaganda movies are nothing new, and we've gotten more of them recently. Oliver Stone made JFK, which was just a thoroughly inaccurate conspiracy movie. Michale Moore made Fahrenheit 9/11, and many indicated they were influenced by it.

Let's not forget, Gore was Bill Clinton's deputy. He didn't get the president to resign when it turned out he was guilty of perjury to hide adultery. Given the choice, Gore was loyal to his party, not the country. By the time he ran for president, he was so left wing he couldn't even carry the state that had elected him Senator for years. As I said, Gore and Kerry are losers. They only got to run because the Democrats needed somebody to run - and they'll obviously vote for anybody that does. Their problem may be that people who aren't extremists won't go out and vote for just anybody.

UPDATE: Gore can't lose the '08 Donk nomination with Ann Coulter's endorsement.