Monday, May 01, 2006

Rush To Judgment

In the headlines, at least:

All weekend long news broadcasts were filled with reports that talk radio host Rush Limbaugh had been "arrested" on charges of doctor shopping as part of a plea bargain worked out with his lawyer.

But - as even the liberal newsmagazine, Newsweek, admitted - the "arrest" reports were bogus.

"LIMBAUGH ARRESTED was the immediate headline on the wires and on TV," the magazine said in Monday's edition. "But the word 'arrest' was misleading. In fact, Limbaugh had pleaded not guilty, and his lawyer had worked out a deal that would cause the single charge to be dropped after eighteen months as long as Limbaugh stayed out of trouble and continued to see a doctor who has helped him with an addiction to painkillers."

CNN, ABC, and the rest of the jackal pack were no different. Isn't liberal compassion heart-warming? It's at least a match for their honesty and integrity.

Mark Levin and Andy McCarthy have a whole lot more to say about El Rushbo's vindication here.