Wednesday, June 21, 2006

MSM Boobs

Rush had a great monologue and some sound bites regarding the media's orgasmic coverage of the deaths of the two American soldiers who were found yesterday. The kook leftist blogs are of course saying we got what we deserved, that we do the same thing, yadda yadda yadda. Idiots. From the transcript at Rush's web site:

But nevertheless, we don't hear any human rights organizations condemning the Islamofascists. These soldiers were in captivity. They were tortured and then killed. And, by the way, the Drive-By Media is all excited about this because they think this is payback for killing Zarqawi and this proves this war is going nowhere. This proves that Bush didn't accomplish anything. In fact, killing Zarqawi may have been a setback. I'll let you listen to the audio sound bites. On MSNBC today a female info babe anchorette talking to the Wall Street's John Harwood. Question: "The president has been riding a lot of good news over the last week and a half or so out of Iraq, but what does the announcement and the news of the death of these two soldiers do to the administration and that progress?"

Read on. Everything to these people is seen through the prism of what it will do to George W. Bush politically. They still don't get that he's not like Bill Clinton. He does what he thinks is right for the country, not what he thinks will give him a bounce in the polls.

Here is a quote from Major Bill Caldwell, the spokesman for the U.S. Military:

We took out another very senior member of the Al-Qaeda network, Sheik Mansour was killed by coalition forces in the very vicinity where we have been searching for two missing service members. This picture here is Sheik Mansour, probably identified as being in the top five of the Al-Qaeda organization. Coalition forces initially targeted a vehicle upon which he and two other people were inside. They attempted to flee, coalition forces pursued them, and during that time period engaged the vehicle and destroyed it. Sheik Mansour was a key leader in Al-Qaeda and Iraq, including having relationships with both Zarqawi and with al-Masri. His death will significantly continue to impact on the ability of this organization to regenerate and reorganize itself.

Look around the MSM, and you won't find much coverage on this. All you can find is salivating and hysteria over the tragic deaths of the two soldiers in Iraq. I'm telling you, Rush is right when he calls the press the slaves of the Democratic Party. What angers me is that our brave military men and women see the crap they report. Thank God for the internet.

JASmius adds: This little addendum from Jeff Emanuel (via Double-H):

Interestingly silent on this and other atrocities carried out by the insurgents in Iraq are the "human rights" groups who seem to spend every day accusing the United States of torture, war crimes, and various human rights violations...

The tide has turned in the battle to win the peace in postwar Iraq, and those who have stood on the sidelines for the past three years—or, worse, who have actively worked against the cause of freedom and democracy in that nation—are dangerously close to being remembered (if they are remembered at all) not for their support of human rights, but for their self-righteous fight against them—all in the name of their hatred of America, and of George W. Bush.

Why do you think I call them "al Donka"?

UPDATE: James Robbins knows who the good guys are, and Andy McCarthy wonders whether the SCOTUS knows who are the bad guys.