Monday, June 12, 2006

Thin Skins & One-Track Minds

If one of Ann Coulter's objectives was to provide a flaming public example of the contention that left-wingnuts can dish it out but are utterly incapable of taking it, I'd say she can schedule her carrier landing with a big "MISSION ACCOMPISHED" banner hanging from the bridge.

After the blonde bomber sent Hillary Clinton off the field of battle on a rhetorical stretcher, in swarmed a whole squadron of lib character assassins to further prove her point about their loathsomeness.

One of Mrs. Clinton's one-time henchmen and current chair of the Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee (talk about one-note sambas), Rahm Emanuel, who wasted no time bellicosely calling Ms. Coulter the moral equivalent of an al Qaeda terrorist:

"The hate she spews is the same kind of hatred we are battling in the war on terror. As a country of thought and reason, I urge all of us to reject it."

Apparently the multifaceted irony of his comment was completely lost on Congressman Emanuel. Also the two dozen of his New York Donk colleagues who joined forces to send a whiny screed to Coulter that she'll probably frame and hang on her office wall like a trophy. And then there are the two Dem New Jersey assemblywomen (Joan Quigley and Linda Stender) who are trying to ban Godless outright in their state. I suppose the next step after that hysterical plea will be Democrat Party-sponsored book burnings to which the Extreme Media will provide enthusiastic coverage. Or perhaps fever swamp plots to kidnap Coulter and smuggle her to Venezuela for "re-education."

Want some more irony? Here's Quifley's and Stender's peroration:

"Coulter's vicious characterizations and remarks are motivated by greed and her desire to sell books . . . She is a leech trying to turn a profit off perverting the suffering of others."
Gee, wasn't that precisely Coulter's description of the Ameriphobic left's exploitation of the Jersey girls? To call that spade a spade is a "vicious characterization" (i.e. she nailed them cold and they have no rebuttal) ? And aren't they and Emanuel and Hillary and the rest generating for Annie an enormous mound of free publicity? Gosh, you could almost believe that the Democrat Party is on charge of promoting her book tour.

Have you also noticed that all of these tantrumists are elected officeholders? Don't they have anything better to do with their time than feed the "greed" of a "leech" who they claim is an extremist demogogue with no credibility? Talk about "Me thinks thou dost protest too much."

But then again, given that the aforementioned would most likely be out bemoaning the passing of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and insisting up and down with balled fists and stamping feet that blowing that murderous Islasshole into Koranic cutlets makes no difference, DID YOU HEAR ME I SAID NO !#$%^&*@ DIFFERENCE, in Iraq (wrong again, BTW), perhaps there's some method to the anti-Coulter madness after all, if only on a subconscious level.

Or not. I'm personally reminded of Dylan Thomas' line, "Do not go gentle into that good night; rage, rage, against the dying of the light." Jeffrey Lord, former political director in the Reagan White House, has an incisive take on Coulterphobia of which the leggy blonde "word weaponizer" herself is but a symptom:

The furious reaction to Coulter in this latest episode is not about her manners but her willingness to, as liberals love to say, "speak truth to power" - the power of the once mighty liberal establishment. From the moment Buckley's book [God & Man At Yale] first hit the stands, this is what these furious reactions to conservatives have been all about. And from the liberal perspective there is a true terror at what is yet to come. Buckley began by taking on the world of academia in book form, then established a conservative magazine. Now conservative books, authors and magazines abound. Goldwater paved the way in politics with a move on the presidency, something finally - and spectacularly - accomplished by Reagan. Gingrich retook the Congress. David Horowitz zeroes in on the culture. Limbaugh spawned talk radio. Thomas, Scalia, Roberts, and now Alito sit on the Supreme Court, with enough conservative lawyers to fill Yankee Stadium waiting for seats on the once sacrosanct liberal precincts of the federal bench. Rupert Murdoch has had the gall to invent Fox News, a conservative TV channel, and, most humiliatingly, take over a Hollywood studio. Even the once safely liberal mainline Protestant churches - the Methodists, Presbyterians, Episcopalians and United Church of Christ - are alarmed to find conservatives in their pews not only speaking up but seeking power within church hierarchies traditionally filled by liberals. What's next? Conservative Spielbergs and Norman Lears? Ben Stein as Ben Bernanke? Statements from the National Council of Churches praising the liberation of Iraq?

Piece by piece, trench by trench, the empire that was once American liberalism is under assault by men and women of all ages, incomes, faiths, races and professions. From academia to politics to religion, the media and the law, the liberal Humpty Dumpty has fallen from its once dominant perch. No matter how hard they try, liberals will never be able to put it back together again. The venom spewed at Ann Coulter's demand to liberals to stop hiding behind grief or war records or illness in a debate is not really about Ann Coulter at all. It is one very influential section of American society realizing that their world, the world they created and ran for most of the twentieth century, is dying in front of their eyes.

Hard dictatorships fall, well, hard. Soft ones inexorably fade into irrelevance. It is that slow fade that liberals are enduring now, the light already extinguished, leaving only the rage - which is lining Ann Coulter's shapely pockets.

Has justice ever been more poetic?

UPDATE: Looks like some of those royalties will need to go to increased security...