Saturday, July 22, 2006

Talk About Big Brother...

This is chilling, in my opinion.

A judge ruled Friday that a 16-year-old boy fighting to use alternative treatment for his cancer must report to a hospital by Tuesday and accept treatment that doctors deem necessary, the family's attorney said.

The judge also found Starchild Abraham Cherrix's parents were neglectful for allowing him to pursue alternative treatment of a sugar-free, organic diet and herbal supplements supervised by a clinic in Mexico, lawyer John Stepanovich said.

Now the State knows better than you how to take care of your child. I guess it has always been that way in some peoples' minds, but I've never seen it quite this blatant. How DARE this judge step in and tell these parents they HAVE to subject their son to treatment they don't want him to take, and he doesn't want either? What's next? Social workers deeming parents unfit for disciplining their children? Wait, I guess that already happens too.

This is dreadfully wrong. Even if we disagree with the decisions of some parents, they ARE the parents. Only in extreme cases do I believe the State should step in...ever. These parents should sue the crap out of the judge and the social worker if the chemotherapy doesn't work, makes the kid extremely ill, etc. This is infuriating to me.