Friday, August 25, 2006

What DO They Support?

Great column by Ann Coulter. The Democrats keep saying they "support" the War on Terror, yet they try to obstruct everything Bush does in order to further it. NSA, Guantanamo, Iraq, the Patriot Act, you name it. As Ann says:

As Howard Dean put it this week, "The occupation in Iraq is costing American lives and hampering our ability to fight the real global war on terror."

This would be like complaining that Roosevelt's war in Germany was hampering our ability to fight the real global war on fascism. Or anti-discrimination laws were hampering our ability to fight the real war on racism. Or dusting is hampering our ability to fight the real war on dust.

It's hard to believe there are many in this country who believe the Democrats would better protect our country. How? How in the world do they think they would do it? What are those "tough measures" that Harry Reid keeps talking about? Withholding the A1 from the Guantanamo prisoners when their steak is served?

Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin has compared Guantanamo to Nazi concentration camps and Soviet gulags, based on a report that some detainees were held in temperatures so cold that they shivered and others were forced to listen to loud rap music — more or less approximating the conditions in the green room at "The Tyra Banks Show." Also, one of the detainees was given a badminton racket that was warped.

Yeah, they'd get tough all right. Let's try diplomacy with the terrorists. They just want to get along with us, you know.

The twisted minds of the Democrats is a scary thing to watch. What is scarier is the thought of them being back in power. We simply cannot let that happen.