Monday, September 18, 2006

Not Done Yet...

Just read a headline over at"Newsweek Examines What Was Behind Pope's Comments." I'll tell you what was behind them, the truth! Islam is NOT a peaceful religion, it is a barbaric religion. They prove that every time someone crosses their eyes at them.

JASmius update: Case in point:

Pope Benedict XVI has been targeted by the Mujahideen's Army movement in Iraq for a suicide attack, according to the Jerusalem Post.

The threat — revenge for the Pope's recent comments about Islam and jihad — was posted on a Web site used by rebel movements in Iraq. A message posted by the Mujahideen's Army said members of the organization would "smash the crosses in the house of the dog from Rome."

But since we all know that Islam is a "religion of peace," the Mujahideen Army must just be joshing. After all, Muslims are also known for their whimsical sense of humor, right?