Monday, February 12, 2007

Liberal Derangement

They call it Bush Derangement Syndrome, and that is a very appropriate name. On my way home from work this morning, I was behind a car with two stickers in the window. One had the popular "W" sticker, but it said "W"acko. On the other side, the W was used as the first letter in "Worst President Ever." I expected to see an Earlham College type at the wheel, but it was an elderly gentleman...someone who at least should have the sense to understand that that kind of disrespect for the President, especially in a time of war, is inappropriate.

I do not understand the hatred for Bush that permeates the Left. I didn't like Bill Clinton, but it never occured to me to display stickers on my car to shout it to the world. I didn't agree with his handling of Kosovo, but those were our troops over there, therefore never, ever did I malign what they were doing. Liberals simply do not understand respect for their President and Commander-in-Chief. These people act like spoiled children...and we have given them the reins of power in our Congress. At this time in history, that is a very scary reality.

I was just reading about Barack Obama's comments regarding Australia over at Powerline:

On his first day of campaigning as an official candidate for president, Barack Obama committed what would in days of old have been recognized as a major international blunder. Times have changed, of course. If you are old enough to recall the proposition that politics stops at the water's edge, you are probably incapable of suspending rational thought to join in the excitement over a not-readly-for-prime-player joining the field of Democratic candidates for the presidential nomination.

Australia, you may recall, is one of America's steadfast allies in the war in which we are engaged. Australian Prime Minister John Howard criticized Obama's call for immediate American withdrawal from Iraq. When Obama was asked to respond, he declined simply to express respectful disagreement with a loyal American ally. Instead he insulted Australia's contribution to the war effort, belittling the 1,600 Australian troops in Iraq. He said that if Australia was so dedicated, maybe it should raise its contribution to 20,000.

Obama not only insulted our ally, he formulated the insult in the inelegant fashion of an intellectual thug. CNN reports that Obama said if the Australian prime minister was "ginned up to fight the good fight in Iraq," he needs to send another 20,000 Australians to the war. "Otherwise, it's just a bunch of empty rhetoric," Obama said. In Obama's case, the phrase "empty rhetoric" is pure redundancy.

*Real* presidential. If he is the "best and brightest" the Democrats have to offer, that is a sad situation indeed.