Thursday, April 26, 2007

There's Waldo

See if you can spot the key passage in this Cap'n Ed post on Egypt bitch-slapping Hamas for its renewed artillery bombardment of Israel:

Fatah president Mahmoud Abbas meets with worldwide Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal this weekend, and the rockets were seen in part as an attempt to pressure Abbas into concessions. The Egyptians have no particular love for Hamas or for any other radical Islamist movement, and they want to make sure that Haniyeh and the Palstinians know it. Telling the Palestinians publicly that Egypt will not ally with them if they provoke a military response from Israel is unprecedented, almost a signal for Israel to attack.

Get it yet? Here's a hint: Do you really think that Hosni Mubarek is actively allying his country with the Jews, as Mr. Morrissey believes?

The magical mystery phrase is the last seven words of the quote: "...almost a signal for Israel to attack [Hamas]." Remember the last time Prime Minister Ehud Olmert sent the IDF after Hamas? It was last summer following the Palestinian Islamists' incessant rocket attacks into Israel after its foolhardy 2005 withdrawal from Gaza and finally the kidnapping of the infamous Gilad Shalit, whose release was the raison d'etere for Operation Summer Rains. And we know how that operation, and the larger one into Lebanon against Hezbollah, turned out, don't we? Olmert didn't have the moQs to fight Hamas and the Hezbos to a victorious finish, not even to the extent of securing Corporal Shalit's release. He's still in captivity to this day, dangling out there as a lure for the Israelis to empty their jails of captured Islamist terrorists - something the Olmert regime was willing to do before its enemies got greedy again.

The Egyptians, and the Saudis along with them, do not fear any renewed Israeli attack against Hamas because they don't believe Olmert will be any less linguini-spined now than he was a year ago. They know the Palestinian "Authority," no matter which apex of the "triangle" runs it, is in no real peril of being wiped out by the IDF, and can thus afford to take a "tough" public stance against the haplessly indiscrete gangsters running the so-called "terroritories" and build up their own image as a "moderate" Arab state in good standing with Europe and especially the United States.

It's a "triangle offense" of sorts far more sophisticated than anything the Pals have ever run. Given how even the latter has so bamboozled the West for years, and now even what passes for the Israeli "leadership," it does seem rather like swatting a fly with a Buick. But with our own country under the control of raving lunatics, that level of analytical sophistication will, infuriatingly, have to wait.