Saturday, May 19, 2007

What a Week!

Wow, it has been one crazy ride! My daughter broke her foot at her Feis (Irish dance competition) last dancing for 4 weeks, she can't even put any weight on it. It's a stress fracture that has been building up for a while. The orthopedic doctor put her in a hard cast. It's her right foot, so of course she can't drive. We've been driving her to some of her classes, about an hour away. That on top of my additional work load is about to do me in. Increased business is a good problem to have, don't get me wrong! Sure cuts into my blogging time, though.

When I do have time to peruse my favorite web sites, it seems that not much changes in my absence. Republicans still give in too much, but occasionally stand up and bite back; and Democrats are still pathologic liars. Check.

What's up with Jack Murtha, anyway? Is he getting crazier by the day, or what? I didn't know anything about him until he started publicly maligning our troops, but it appears his nuttiness is getting worse.

Lots more to say, but I'm off to work. Hope you all have a terrific weekend!