Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Blatant Hypocrisy

This really isn't surprising, but it is amazing. The Democrats, in this case Al Gore, really have no shame when it comes to their political gain. Rush dug up some sound bites from Al Gore on the campaign trail in 1992. He was actually chastising Reagan and Bush 41 regarding their not doing anything about the Iraq threat. Read and watch for yourself. Here's a quote that really stands out to whet your appetite:

Al Gore: These are exact quotes from the memorandum to the administration. And most significant of all, in the same month, September of 1989, the CIA reported to secretary of state Baker and other top Bush administration officials that Iraq was clandestinely procuring nuclear weapons technology through a global network --of front companies. Did all of this make any impression at all on President Bush? Did his judgment on foreign policy come into play when he was told that this nation, with a record of terrorism continuing was making a sustained, concerted effort to acquire weapons of mass destruction, nuclear, chemical, and biological? Well, evidently not.

Now, as Rush says, they want to impeach Cheney over this very thing, claiming that Iraq was actively pursuing nuclear weapons.

The sad thing is, Al Gore and the rest of the Democratic leadership can get away with completely flip-flopping because they know the Drive-By Media won't call them on it.