Monday, June 18, 2007

Lindsey F'ing Grahamnesty Poops His Pants Again

Here's what the aspiring ex-Senator from South Carolina vomited our direction via George Stepanophoulos an ABC's This Week yesterday:

John [McCain] is telling the Republican Party 'If you want to win 2008, you can't win with 22% of the Hispanic vote.' How are we going to be a viable party if we leave this issue behind, unresolved? How are we going to be a viable party if we tell President Bush 'Go take a hike because we don't want to deal with the twelve million?'
***If you want to win in 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020, etc., etc., etc., you can't win if you keep importing impoverished illegals to vote Democrat, as the overwhelming majority of them will no matter how humiliatingly Republicans pander to them. That's where banana republics come from.

***How are we going to be a viable party in 2008 when RINOs like you flip off ninety percent of your own base?

***It won't be dealing with twelve million, it'll be dealing with fifteen million, and then twenty million, and then thirty million, and then fifty million, amnesty after amnesty after amnesty, until finally all of frakking Mexico is up here, the whole stinking skein of which grows out of the arrogant contempt of pompous asses like you for quaint, anachronistic concepts like the nation-state and the necessity of nations to be able to control their own borders, determine who gets in and who does not, and protect their own citizenry and indigenous culture.

People feel like that if let the twelve million in and forgive them that would be bad, and they're right. We're not forgiving anybody.
They're ALREADY "in," and your stupid amnesty bill DOES "forgive" them. What is this, a coy attempt at subtle faux self-loathing? Or has Stephanopoulos become a closet priest?

We're saying you stay here on our terms. You learn English. You learn civics. You're going to stay here on our terms. You pay taxes. We're not going to give our culture away.
Lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, and lie. Either that or he hasn't read the bill he's deluded enough to believe will help his Sith Master friend's cratering presidential campaign like an anchor baked in a cocoon of Sugar Twin. Which would make him the stolid, thickheaded, witless imbecile he considers each and every Republican grass-rootser to be.

But here's what's at stake. We've been down this road before. No Catholics. No Jews. Irish need not apply. That's not the America I want.
There Mini-Me goes again with this despicable, irrelevant, fantasist hand-waving. It's even historically illiterate, since the prejudice to which he refers didn't keep Catholics, Jews, or Irishmen out, but befell them once they were already legally in. Indeed, by the same "logic" it is folks like Lindsey Grahamnesty who are bigoted - against legal Hispanic immigrants who jumped through the hoops, played by the rules, abided by the process, and are pulling their own weight, and see their ethical, conscientious efforts made a mockery of by the second blanket amnesty in as many decades.

Who says crime doesn't pay?

I want an America that enforces its laws....
No, you don't.

....but also respects its culture and respects people.
You mean like pissing away American culture in favor of willy-nilly, rule-breaking Balkanization, and smearing your opponents as bigots?

We can make this a win win for America, if we're courageous.
There's nothing courageous, or good for America, about kissing Teddy Kennedy's fat, wrinkled ass.

If we're afraid for the next election and we govern this country on the basis of the next election, we're going to fall apart as a people.
Well, obviously you don't give a shit about the next election, Senator. Hope you enjoy your early retirement. 'Tis a pity we can't deport you as well for poetically just good measure.