Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Love of God and Country

I just wanted to relate some anecdotal evidence that, at least in my little corner of the world, love of God and country is alive and well.

My son graduated from high school Sunday. We sang The Star Spangled Banner, of course, but there was no invocation. There was a great ovation after the song, though. The faculty had asked for everyone to hold their applause as the students' names were called for their diplomas, and most respected that, though there are always a few jerks with air horns that pay no attention. As they walked to get their diplomas, one of the faculty described their plans - which college they were going to, their major, if they were joining the work force or military, etc. There were three students who were going into the military, and when that was announced they got an ovation from the entire audience. Then, in an impromptu moment, one student who was going into the ministry went up on the podium instead of back to his seat after he got his diploma. The principal tried to nudge him back down to where he belonged, but he was determined. He went to the microphone and told the audience he wanted to pray. He gave a short prayer, thanking God for his school and classmates, and asking His guidance in their lives. He got a prolonged standing ovation from the audience and his classmates. It was great!

Don't despair, I believe most Americans are the same way as those in my little corner of Indiana.