Thursday, June 28, 2007

Shamnesty is Dead

53 NO votes. Hallelujah!

Lots of coverage, especially at The Corner and Michelle Malkin. Check 'em out.


Strange vote. My Republican Senator, Richard Lugar, voted yes and my Democrat Senator, Evan Bayh, voted no. Yes, Mr. Lugar has heard from me loud and clear regarding his amnesty vote and his "we've lost" attitude on the war. Looks like lots of Senators heard from America loud and clear...and some listened, thank God.

JASmius adds: Six of the nine Republicans up for re-election next year who voted for cloture on Tuesday (Coleman, Collins, Domenici, McConnell, Stevens, Warner) flipped this morning.

Regrettable that they can cite Harry Reid's second jam-down attempt yesterday as the excuse rather than the execrable content of the amnesty bill itself. But as long as the damn thing stays dead this time, I'll figure out a way to live with it.