Sunday, July 01, 2007

Good News & A Lot More Bad News

First, the good news: according to Rasmussen, this shamesty war has actually boosted the number of Republicans nationally:

During the month of June, the number of people identifying themselves as Republicans increased and the number of Democrats was little changed. That’s the first time in 2007 that the number of Republicans has increased. (see history). The ap between the parties the smallest it has been since last July.

It’s interesting to note that the number of Republicans increased during the same month that the President’s Job Approval fell to another all-time low.

A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of 15,000 adults in June found that just 32.0% now say they’re Republicans. That’s up more than a full percentage point from a month ago and is within a tenth-of-a-point of the GOP’s best showing in ten months.

The survey also found that the number of people identifying themselves as Democrats fell two-tenths of a point to 36.1% in June. Only once since January 2004 has the number of Democrats in the country been lower (35.9% in December 2005). Democrats gained about two percentage points of support during 2006 and peaked at 38.0% in December of last year. Since actually taking control of Congress, Democrats have given back all of those gains.

It would appear that despite the best efforts of the Bush Administration and its idiot allies in the Senate (McCain, Lott, Grahamnesty, Kyl, come out and take a bow) to kill the Republican Party deader than Uncle Teddy's teetotaling regimen with their supine boot-licking and ass-kissing of the border erasure crowd, the heroic efforts of other GOP senators like Jeff Sessions, John Cornyn, and Jim DeMint, to say nothing of House Republicans, and of course all of us ignorant, knuckle-dragging night-riders in the blogosphere and talk radio, actually brought the Right out a little bit ahead of where we were before all this amnesty chickenbleep (h/t: Senator McCain) started. The GOP is actually now a point ahead on national security.

The bad news would seem to be that, well, the GOP is only a point ahead on national security. Given who and what the Democrats are and what they're championing, the public preference for Republicans on national security should be unanimous - and then some.

But it's worse than that:

TAXES - Dems +4 (Americans want huge tax hikes - until they actually get them)
ECONOMY - Dems +7 (Americans want another depression - until it actually hits them)
ABORTION - Dems +10 (Americans want the slaughter of the innocent to continue)
IRAQ - Dems +10 (Americans want to lose the war - until the next 9/11 hits)
EDUCATION - Dems +13 (So much for No Child Left Behind)
ETHICS/CORRUPTION - Dems +17 (That's just obscene)
SOCIAL SECURITY - Dems +18 (Until it collapses; but not a moment before)
HEALTHCARE - Dems +25 (Americans want to die of old age waiting for a government doctor to save them - until they're about to die of old age waiting for a government doctor to save them)


IMMIGRATION - Dems +6 (Americans want to commit demographic suicide)

....although not by as wide a margin as before the rise and fall of shamnesty.

In other words, there's still a loooooong way to go. But as I wrote last Thursday, conservatives can bask in the sunburst of relief that usually follows serendipitous survival, and use that small kernel of hope to start rebuilding the majority coalition that was so thoughtlessly piddled away.

If the public really has turned to the Left to the degree these issue polling numbers suggest, that comeback may be a lot sooner than anybody would have expected.