Saturday, April 14, 2007

Abstinence Works Every Time!

Honestly, sometimes Glenn Reynolds over at Instapundit is clueless. Most of the time I agree with him, but sometimes I vehemently disagree, as in the following case. He links to a blurb at the American Spectator blog regarding abstinence-only sex education not making any difference in the sexual habits of teenagers. He says he's not surprised by this. Does that mean he doesn't think abstinence should be taught at all? Teaching "safe sex" certainly has done a bang-up job for our kids, hasn't it?

There are many studies that prove that abstinence education DOES work, like this one. If the federal government is going to subsidize values-free sex education that clearly does NOT work, why is it so difficult to understand that many of us want abstinence education ALSO taught? It doesn't have to be "abstinence-only," though that would be more desirable, of course. Personally, I don't think sex education belongs in public schools at all. Unfortunately, it's a fact of life these days. Therefore, the next best thing is to at least inject some decency and morality into it. Why do the liberals have such a problem with teaching a girl to respect herself and save herself for her husband? It's amazing the things that get their dander up. They don't seem to mind if rappers call women bitches and hos, if the government subsidizes teaching a student to put a condom on a banana, if some teachers want to start sex education in early elementary school, but by golly, don't teach them to have some self control.