Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Another Donk Sees The Light

“Representative Rodney Alexander's switch late Friday to the Republican Party brought swift and vitriolic responses among Democrats from the Bayou to the Beltway,” today’s Washington Times reports, “including from his entire Washington staff that resigned in protest yesterday morning. ‘He's a traitor,’ fumed Andrew Koneschusky of the Louisiana Democratic Party. ‘He betrayed the people who elected him to the U.S. Congress and the people who supported his re-election.’

“Particularly galling to Democrats was that the first-term lawmaker waited until 15 minutes before the state's filing deadline to switch his affiliation from Democrat to Republican, leaving Democrats no time to post strong opposition. ‘A man of honor, as many before him have done, would have changed his party affiliation well before the filing deadline,’ said Mr. Alexander's former whip, Steny H. Hoyer of Maryland. ‘He would have had the courage to face a challenger and defend the failed policies promoted by his new party.’”

I am laughing my frigging ass off at this. “Vitriol,” “outrage,” “He’s a traitor,” “He betrayed the people who elected him,” “galling,” “He has no honor,” “He has no courage.”

Two words: Jim Jeffords.

Now shut the hell up and stop wasting our time.