Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Chief Justice Thomas

According to Ken Foskett, author of a new biography of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, the black man the American left loves to hate could be chosen to be the next Chief Justice of the United States in a second Bush term.

Justice Thomas says he isn’t interested, but he hasn’t been offered the promotion yet, either. If it happens, it’d be awfully difficult for him to turn down. And it might just be a bit harder for Senate Dems to filibuster an appointment this high-profile, as compared with the relatively anonymous appellate court nominations they’ve spent the past few years stuffing. Besides, after what they did to him the last time, what other slime could they possible hurl?

It also provides a possible glimpse into what a second Bush term might be like – one that could prove to be far more partisan, combative, and even cutthroat than anybody, least of all the hard left, imagines.

If so (and of course, if the President is re-elected), who could blame him? He’ll have survived the worst his enemies could throw at him, he’ll have absolutely nothing to lose, and he’ll have a ton of “receipts” on which to collect.

As the old saying goes, “Don’t hunt what you can’t kill.”

And the corollary: “Payback is a bitch.”