Friday, August 27, 2004

Lovie Escapes

Teraaaaaaayza “Lovie” Heinz Howell Kerry somehow got out of the straitjacket, snuck away from her keepers, and managed to reach a microphone yesterday:

Heinz Kerry said she can't speak directly to the [Swiftboat Veterans for Truth] ads because she refuses to watch them. ‘I'm very proud of [hubby’s] service,’ she said. ‘I believe that discussions or attacks on his service undermine the peace of mind not only of Vietnam veterans but of those now fighting for their country. Let us hope that if they volunteer for service their reviews are not going to be so nefarious in the future.’

Ah. So a man with a political career and record of hostility to all things military (and who is held in contempt by most veterans, past and present) being held to account for that record by the fellow vets whom he publicly defamed will deliver a knee to the groin of current military morale, but the election of this same man to the post of commander-in-chief will be a boon to it?


Well, all I can do is paraphrase the comment of one Vietnam vet I read today: “If John Kerry loses, that will be the [homecoming] parade we never had.”

And current American soldiers will be heaving a huge sigh of relief.