Monday, September 27, 2004

Iraqi Justice

"'Saddam will be executed, the Iraqi people demand it,' so confessed an Iraqi official travelling with visiting interim prime minister Iyad Allawi." So reported Stewart Stogel today.

Sounds good to me. Also helps explain why John Kerry dissed Mr. Allawi last week. Just look at this additional quote from Mr. Stogel's piece:

"During an arraignment on July 1, Saddam told the presiding judge his overthrow and subsequent capture by Coalition forces was illegal and as such, any prospective trial would have no legal standing.

"Ironically, none other than U.N. secretary-general Kofi Annan recently told the BBC the U.S.-U.K. invasion of Iraq in 2003 was (in his opinion) 'illegal.'"

Nothing "ironic" about it, actually, as the "Oil-for-Food" scam has defeaningly illustrated

And John Kerry, like Bill Clinton before him, knows from whom he is to take his orders.

Who knows, if Kofi "asked" him "nicely" enough, maybe Kerry would even restore Saddam to power.

After all, the "niceties" would go into the same "blind" trust, anyway, right?