Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Sitting On A Deficit

Why is anybody ever bothering to express incredulity as to how CBS can possibly still be putting Dan Rather on the air?

Tonight, in a brazen follow-up to last week’s 60 Minutes II that started all this, he interviews Lieutenant-Colonel Killian’s elderly ex-secretary, Marian Knox, who is the new poster-hack for CBS’s new “the memos were fake, but they’re accurate” angle.

One thing to keep in mind about this “sweet little old lady” (aside from her intellectual residence in the fever swamps of Bushophobia): whereas she’s preaching to Rather’s choir about how she “remembers vividly” the President’s time in the TANG and what LC Killian really thought of him and his service, just a week ago she was telling the Houston Chronicle that she had no such recollection.

Meanwhile, polling is showing that nobody outside the aforementioned fever swamps of Bushophobia gives a damn about any of this Vietnam-era fussbudgeting. And by nearly a two to one margin, those who have an opinion on the authenticity or lack thereof of the Killian memos think they’re as phony as a Bill Clinton pickup line.

And yet the DNC is now running a two-minute ad in key battleground states not just focusing on precisely the material in the forgeries – a rather “coincidental” incidence of scheduling, that – but even using footage from last week’s 60 Minutes II interview.

You know, ever since John Kerry sketched that weak-ass salute in Boston nearly two months ago, nothing has gone right for him. Bill Clinton flat-out told him so over two weeks ago. Yet he and his fellow-travelers – which includes Dan Rather – just can’t leave Vietnam in the past, where it belongs.

I’ve never seen a football or basketball team try to run out the clock when they’re behind. But that’s in essence what the Democrats are doing in this campaign.

I wonder if the red haze will ever diminish from their vision sufficiently for any of them to realize it.