Friday, September 10, 2004

The "Preponderance" Sez They're Fakes

This’ll teach me to take one last look around online before retiring for the night.

Captain Ed is quoting Instapundit who says ABC News is reporting that “Just hours after Dan Rather told the nation that he personally vouched for the authenticity of the Killian memos due to the preponderance of supporting evidence surrounding them, the ‘preponderance’ [said] he thinks the documents are forged:

Retired Major General Hodges, Killian's supervisor at the Guard, tells ABC News that he feels CBS misled him about the documents they uncovered. According to Hodges, CBS told him the documents were ‘handwritten’ and after CBS read him excerpts he said, ‘well if he wrote them that's what he felt.’

Hodges also said he did not see the documents in the 70's and he cannot authenticate the documents or the contents. His personal belief is that the documents have been ‘computer generated’ and are a ‘fraud’.

First the documents came from Killian's personal files, until Killian's family insisted that Killian kept no personal files, and didn't type to boot. Then CBS trotted out Major General Bobby Hodges's testimony that the documents accurately reflected Killian's thinking at the time, which the Killian family also refuted. Now we find out that Hodges never saw the documents, were told they were handwritten, and only said that if CBS had notes in Killian's handwriting then the notes must have reflected Killian's thoughts at the time, which is nothing more than a common-sense statement.

I think I’m going to go home now and laugh out my spleen…