Wednesday, October 06, 2004

The UN was Saddam Hussien's personal ATM

Another gem of a post from Captain Ed on the appalling and sprawling Oil-for-Terrorism scandal at Turtle Bay. Here's the peroration:

"John Kerry and John Edwards continue to claim that Saddam was 'trapped' by global sanctions. Having the UN stuff $10 BILLION into his pockets only trapped Saddam by the weight of the windfall they threw at him. The nations that Kerry/Edwards presume held Saddam fast had no intention of doing so and actively assisted in his corrupt schemes to avoid the sanctions. The organization from which Kerry insists we derive legitimacy for any action not only turned a blind eye towards this but participated in the corruption at the highest levels of the OFF program, at least (Kofi Annan managed to get a job for his son at another watchdog contractor, too); Benon Savan, the program director, tooks millions in Iraqi money for himself.

"Is the 'global test' a backwards ethics examination? If you fail, you pass?"

It's a pity the President won't bring this up Friday. It'd undress the Boston Balker like Charlie Brown after a line drive.

UPDATE: What makes this bombshell even juicier is that the "allies" with whom Kerry is so eager to get it on (France, Germany, Russia, Red China) were Saddam's primary sugardaddies. And France in particular was willing and eager to put its veto on the UNSC at Saddam' disposal for the right price:

"Still, a member of the French Parliament, according to a memo sent to Saddam in May 2002, 'assured Iraq that France would use its veto in the U.N. Security Council against any American decision to attack Iraq.' That is, once bribed, France would stay bribed."

The revelations of the Duelfer report are most likely why Black Jacques Chirac and Gerhard Schoeder gave Lurch the brush-off before the election, which is in turn a telling indication of what they think it will do to his chances on November 2nd.

And boy, was I wrong about that last prediction. The President didn't mention the Coalition of the Bribed by name, but he smacked Kerry upside the head with it nevertheless. Mr. French didn't even get the chance to rehash the "There were no WMDs!!!" spin Big Media tried to make out of it.

Guess we know which were the "blood for oil" countries (Iraqi blood, their oil), don't we?

And with whom they think they'll be dealing - for four more years.