Tuesday, February 01, 2005

A Day Out

Yesterday was supposed to be a day OFF for me. Instead I spent it out all day waiting for stuff. First my car, in the shop unexpectedly for three hours, and then my kids' PC still not ready when I had been told it would. That was three hours more.

So I finally did what everybody else does in that circumstance - I hung around the mall. Or, IOW, they finally got me.

Actually, it wasn't as bad as I anticipated. Had lunch, then sat around a Waldenbooks reading old Foxtrot cartoons. All in all, I've spent less entertaining afternoon sojourns.

Thing is, what I had originally planned to do yesterday afternoon - get my kids' PC set up - got pushed back to last night after the kids went to bed. Which still saved me time in terms of actual time elapsed, since my son drives me crazy peering over my shoulder and asking endless questions that just slow me down as well as drive me up the wall.

OTOH, my wife was in a foul mood last night and, predictably, wouldn't tell me what was wrong. I guess she saw me getting a leg up despite everything and just had to intervene.

Had I had a laptop - or hung around a library instead - I'd have been blogging all day.

C'est la vie. I'll see what I can whip out tonight, whilst also writing the Enterprise review I never got to, either.

Any time my teammates want to start joining in, they're entirely welcome....