Thursday, February 24, 2005

A Little Piece of My Heart

Closure is an over-used cliche' until the remains of a loved one can not be laid to rest. 1,161 families must come to terms with the fact that closure will never be...New York City's chief medical examiner after years of painstaking efforts to ID the 2, 749 WTC victims said: "We have exhausted our options..We are pausing."

Not the smallest bodily evidence of husbands, wives, sons, daughters, mothers or fathers, slaughtered at the World Trade Center on 9/ll can be returned to their families for burial..not an iota of proof that these individuals once lived and breathed and loved and cherished life can be commemorated and resolved at a funeral with a coffin containing the body or a plot in a cemetery to tend. Thousands vanished into the cloud of smoke and ash that rose to the heavens three years ago in NYC.

As time goes on many lament the loss of soldiers' lives and the monetary cost, spent in the fight against the terror net work that targets our fellow human beings. Some far removed from the tragedy have forgotten the despicable affront to humanity..soldiers avenging us in this War have not..GW Bush has not..we must keep on fighting the monsters that would see us all dead if we become complacent and drop our guard..Never forget the lesson learned by the victims of the attack on 9/ll..there is no such thing as closure...all that remains is memories.