Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Dirty Harry Squeaks Again

Senate ***MINORITY*** Leader Dirty Harry Reid again vowed today to hold his breath until he turns blue if majority Republicans exercise their perogative to change the rules to proscribe filibusters of judicial nominations.

Yeah, whatever, Senator. We'll just wait until you pass out, have your worthless carcass dragged off the senate floor, and then proceed with the rule change. You may think you and your merry band of kooks and extremists are worth paralyzing the cosmos over, but speaking on behalf of the cosmos, we have more important matters to attend to.

Captain Ed administers a stiff beating to DH this evening. Give it a read if you enjoy handicap matches where the babyfaces outnumber the heels.

PS: My vote goes to Marvin the Martian on overall resemblance.