Wednesday, March 02, 2005

The Specter Tax

Here's an email alert I received yesterday from FreedomWorks. I wish I could say I was surprised.

Senator Arlen Specter (RINO-PA) is pushing a plan that threatens our economy, and we need your help to stop it!

The proposal would create an asbestos trust fund, funded by a job-killing $140 billion "Specter Tax" on businesses and consumers. Originally created by Senators Specter and Daschle, the asbestos trust fund would be used to create a massive government program that is supposed to compensate asbestos victims. However, it will actually operate as a slush fund for trial lawyers and those who haven’t really been hurt.

And the trust fund proposal is sure to only get worse. Realizing that he can’t get conservatives to support a tax increase, Senator Specter is now trying to get liberals on board [This presumably is his much-counseled way of "reaching out" to the other side]. This guarantees that the size of the already bloated trust fund will increase, and taxpayers will be forced to make up the costs that businesses can’t pay.

Instead of creating a complicated slush fund for lawyers and opportunistic defendants, legislators should force asbestos claims to meet strict medical criteria. This would ensure that those who really have been harmed are compensated, while keeping unscrupulous attorneys from gaming America’s justice system. It's time to pass asbestos reform that helps real victims.

We need your help in order to stop the Specter Tax. Email and call your senators today to tell them that Specter-Daschle plan is the wrong solution. You can email your senators using our free automatic service, and you can dial toll-free (877) 762-8762 to tell your senator you oppose the asbestos trust fund because it:

-Creates a massive new $140 billion government program
-Levies an unfair tax on many innocent businesses
-Adds an enormous burden on taxpayers once the trust fund runs out
-Creates an entitlement for trial lawyers

Abusive asbestos litigation must be stopped, but the Specter Trust Fund is not the answer. Contact your senators and let them know that you oppose Senator Specter’s asbestos trust fund.

President Bush and Senators Frist and Santorum will rue the day they stuck up for this backstabber, mark my words.

Here's the link to the online petition. Sign it as many times as you can. Maybe that way FreedomWorks' Pennsylvania chapter will start one up for Snarlin' Arlen's recall.