Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Benedict XVI

The white smoke has blown, and the Roman Catholic Church has its new pope: the former Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger. As he was John Paul II's right-hand man and confidante, and is unequivocal in his adherence to Church doctrine, it is clear that JP's legacy will be carried forward for however long the seventy-eight-year-old Benedict's pontificate lasts.

I have refrained from commenting on extra-biblical tenets and doctrinal errors that even John Paul II upheld (though my pastor, who grew up a Roman Catholic before his salvation, certainly hasn't) out of respect for the late pope's passing. And no, I'm not going to dive into them now. Maybe some other time.

On this day I prefer to welcome Benedict to the culture war by harkening back to the ancient observation that "sometimes it is better to be known for one's enemies."

UPDATE: I love this comment from TKS:

[Reaction f]rom an athiest friend: This is the future of Catholicism? A 70some year old white guy?

My reaction: This ain't American Idol. Quit expecting some young Latin Father What-a-waste. But I'll be sure to let the Vatican know they've disappointed that key atheist demographic.

Hee hee hee, that Geraghty....