Friday, April 08, 2005

How Long Till Dr. Strangelove Becomes Mr. Hyde?

The liberal insurgency strikes again:

The liberals' food police have struck again - this time throwing a pie at conservative pundit David Horowitz, president of the Center for the Study of Popular Culture.

Horowitz, who criticizes the leftist domination of college campuses, was struck with a pie Wednesday night at Butler University in Indiana, the Indianapolis Star reports.

"There's a wave of violence on college campuses, committed by what I'd call fascists opposing conservatives," Horowitz said, according to the Star. "It's one step from that to injury." [my emphasis]


Leave aside for the moment that this is, at minimum, criminal assault & battery, for all the chuckles some might get from the "pie in the face" gag. Once again, this is another left-wing one-way street; just picture what libs in and out of the press would be saying if there was a wave of such "pranks" carried out by young conservative "activists" against liberal pundits and speakers.

Heck, we don't have to picture it, because the DisLoyal Opposition pelts the Right with such accusations all the time - just listen to Senate Democrats panic at the prospect of having their unconstitutional filibuster of judicial selections banned, or avante garde "artists" bitch & moan if they might not get their NEA handouts, or the ACLU hyperventilate about the Patriot Act. "They're corrupt, they're trying to destroy free speech, they're trying to squash the right to dissent," etc., etc., etc. This from the same people who brought you the Bipartisan Campaign Finance Reform Act and have sued to get that gag jammed in the mouths of the blogosphere.

College campuses are, apart from the Judiciary, the last redoubt of left-wing fascism, and these pie attacks are both the tip of a very detestable iceberg and, I fear, a harbinger of far worse mayhem to come as the Democrat Party continues to disintegrate as a viable national political entity.

Horowitz was just the latest victim:

The incident is the third food attack on conservatives since March. William Kristol, editor of The Weekly Standard, was attacked with a pie during a speech at Earlham College in Richmond, and commentator Pat Buchanan was doused with salad dressing during a speech at Western Michigan University.

Ann Coulter, who spoke recently at the University of Kansas, had a shoe thrown at her instead.

It started at the Republican Convention last August with the "assassinate Bush" plays and stickers. Then last fall came the tire-slashing of GOP vehicles, burglaries and drive-by shootings of GOP offices across the country, incidents of vandalism and partisan road rage in response to conservative/Republican bumperstickers, and isolated physical attacks. Now they're going after specific, prominent targets to try and silence them.

Mark my words - heck, mark David Horowitz's words: "It's one step from that to injury."

Sooner or later, somebody on the Right is going to get killed in one of these "acts of resistance."

I just wish I could be confident that that Rubicon would serve as a wakeup call the "responsible" Democrats - if there still is such a thing anymore - to purge the far Left from their midst once and for all.