Wednesday, April 13, 2005


How successful has Hillary Clinton's "centrist" Halloween costuming become? The Arizona Minutemen have extended her an invitation.

The lead organizer for the border patrol group the Minutemen said Tuesday that he wants to invite New York Senator Hillary Clinton to come to the Arizona-Mexico border this month to review their operation, which has so far netted the arrests of more than 300 illegal immigrants.

"We're thinking of inviting Hillary Clinton," Minuteman founder James Gilchrist told ABC Radio host Sean Hannity, adding that he'd already looked into flight arrangements to Arizona for the former first lady and could provide appropriate security.

Why did Gilchrist think of Mao Tse-Deng in a skirt when he contemplated reaching out to politicians who might be sympathetic to the idea of border security?

Well, the following might be a reason:

Gilchrist's decision to invite Clinton was likely prompted by her tough comments on border security - remarks that place her sharply to the right of the Bush Administration on the issue.

"I am, you know, adamantly against illegal immigrants," she announced in February 2003 radio interview, adding that "people have to stop employing illegal immigrants."

"I mean, come up to Westchester, go to Suffolk and Nassau counties," Clinton railed. "Stand on the street corners in Brooklyn or the Bronx; you're going to see loads of people waiting to get picked up to go do yard work and construction work and domestic work."

"Clearly, we have to make some tough decisions as a country," the top Democrat urged.

In comments last November, the likely 2008 presidential nominee blasted the Bush Administration for turning a blind eye to the problems at the border.

"I don't think that we have protected our borders or our ports or provided our first responders with the resources they need, so we can do more and we can do better," Clinton told the Fox News Channel. "There's technology now available," she noted. "There are some advanced radar systems. There are biometric and other kinds of identification systems that we've been very slow to deploy and unwilling to spend money on."

The only words in the above quote that matter are "place her sharply to the right of the Bush Administration on the [illegal immigration] issue." Anybody who has watched Arkansas' Bonnie & Clyde since 1992 knows that Mrs. Clinton doesn't give a rat's ass about illegal immigration - she's a hardcore, doctrinaire left-winger, completely and irrevocably committed to all of her ideology's race-obsessed pathologies.

But she's also a top-notch political strategist, and she knows that for any Democrat to ever again win the presidency, that candidate must be credible on national security. And what better way to do that on the cheap, and take a bite out of the red-state constituency at the same time, than to strike a pose for border security as a means of guarding against terrorist infiltration?

Bill Clinton won in 1992 by getting to the right of Bush41 on the top issue of that day, taxes. Wifey is simply following in those same footsteps.

If anybody has any convincing argument(s) to wield as to why that lightning can't strike the same place twice, I'm listening.

But I don't envy you your task.