Monday, April 11, 2005

Just Like Vietnam...

...John Kerry will never be able to leave behind his defeat in the 2004 presidential election.

All Americans must demand their right to vote and refuse to be intimidated, former Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry told a voters' group Sunday.

"Last year too many people were denied their right to vote, too many who tried to vote were intimidated," the Massachusetts senator said.

And yet, despite an avalanche of fraud and intimidation from Kerry's side of the aisle, George W. Bush was still re-elected.

I know why the Extreme Media keeps reporting what this loser says, but does anybody outside the lib fever swamps really give a frog's fat leg what this pompous ass thinks about anything? And do the lib fever swamps even notice the level of abject stupidity their fallen champion attributes to them?

Playing the martyr didn't get Al Gore another crack at the brass ring. That Lurch believes it will work for him just reinforces his propensity for narcissistic fantasizing.