Thursday, May 26, 2005

The Ultimate McCain Mutiny Is Still To Come

For anyone who thinks that we can make John McCain pay for his supreme act of betrayal the other day, I'm sorry to have to inform you that in the end, Darth Queeg is destined to have the last laugh.

The newly-minted Supreme Chancellor is indeed finished as far as the 2008 GOP presidential nomination is concerned. But, once he has been denied yet again, that will simply open the way for him to launch a third party/"independent" candidacy with which to torpedo whatever poor schmuck does end up as the Republican standardbearer. And you know he'll do it, too.

This template ought to sound familiar. Annoying, faux folksy, Bush-hating egomaniac with a grudge against the GOP sabotaging the Party's presidential candidate, to the generous benefit of a Democrat with a surname beginning with the letter "C".

What better vengeance could "Sailor" exact against the Right than to be the instrument of Hillary Clinton's conquest of the White House?

Kinda makes this "Deal" look like a sprig of parsley next to a twenty-four-ounce New York steak, doesn't it?